Friday, November 28, 2014

#Furry Friday

Happy Day After Thanksgiving/Black Friday/Relax in your Comfy Pants/Shop Til You Drop!

I hope that you had a wonderful feast yesterday, and a relaxing day with your loved ones.  Today, I hope you're either continuing that relaxation - or shopping those deals at your local mall (or perhaps even online!)

I will be spending today traveling back to the Denver area, after a lovely mini vacay in the Mountains.  More to come on this fun snowy escape later...

For today's Furry Friday, our friends at Bark Post have a lovely article about the love that our dogs have for us like we are their family.  I know I can't wait to get back home to have cuddles with Toby - and I know how much he loves me (even when deciding to be a little pain in the tushy).

Scientific Proof That Dogs Love Us Like Family

Real love
I know dogs apparently hate hugs - but I think some like them. =)

So, if you didn't know - now you REALLY know how much they love you.


Thursday, November 27, 2014

Happy Thanksgiving!

Wishing you and your loved ones a Happy Thanksgiving!

Today is a great day to reflect about what you're thankful for - though this is something that should perhaps be done more than once a year... - and enjoy those around you.

This is the first year that I won't be spending the holiday with my extended family, as the hubs and I are having ourselves a mini vacation in the Colorado mountains.  Nothing says winter is almost here like lots of fresh snow at a ski resort in Crested Butte!  

It is timely though, considering this is our first year as a married couple and we're spending our Thanksgiving at a hotel spa (relaxation = happiness) and enjoying the Eagles vs Cowboys game (Fly Eagles Fly!) with just one another in our hotel room.  While very different from the hustle and bustle of our normal family meal (my hubby's Aunt always has a marvelous spread for fam) it is nice that we are starting our own traditions together.  I hope the hotel restaurant is offering some amazing green bean casserole...

I am so thankful for an amazing husband, my lovable pup, my fantastic family (especially my Mom - she is BEYOND fantastic) and my fabulous friends.  These people make me who I am, and I couldn't be happier to have them in my life.  I really could gush on for days about those so near and dear to me - did I mention what an amazing woman my Mom is? - but I will keep it simple for the sake of the blog.

So, even though I am only able to spend today with hubby, I am thinking of those near and far - and am so blessed to be a part of your lives.

Enjoy your day of feasting with loved ones - and never forget how precious these moments are.  I'll be thinking of you Dad - I'm sure the turkey in Heaven is AMAZING. <3

Thankful quotes
Thanksgiving 2015

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Week in Review

I didn't post this yesterday, because part of me thought maybe I just shouldn't even post this this week because last week was a major FAIL.  I feel like I've lost my mojo a bit because of the weather, and that is a bad, bad thing!  With this week being a holiday week, and I'm traveling, I hope to do my to get things back on track.

I'll keep it simple and not even both trying to make excuses...

Training Schedule (11.17.14 - 11.23.14  
11.17.14 //  Did not make it to AM Hot Yoga.  Fail.

11.18.14 //  Did not do my 30 minute Disney run.  Fail.

11.19.14 // Did not make it to AM Hot Yoga.  Fail.

11.20.14 //  Did not do my 30 minute Disney run.  Fail

11.21.14 // Rest day! lol

...actually, I was ill on Friday, so it HAD to be a rest day.  This taught me that if I'm healthy, regardless of how cold it is out, I should still get in my workout.  I prepped myself all week and was looking forward to my 11 mile Disney run on Saturday (part of the reason I ok'ed myself in missing workouts) in beautiful balmy 50 degree weather - but it came to a crashing halt since I felt nauseous at work most of the day on Friday, and eventually tossed my cookies once I got home. =(  My hubs took amazing care of me though, he's the best!

11.22.14 //  Did not do my 11 mile Disney run.  Fail.  

I don't consider this a fail like the other work outs because I WANTED to run but couldn't.  I woke up and still felt awful, and decided to spend the day vegging and working on my niece's surprise Christmas gift that I had been neglecting to work on (see: knitting).  So, at least it was productive in that regard.  It killed me that I couldn't go out and enjoy the nice weather that Colorado was providing me - but it was for my own good.  After not eating all day Friday or Saturday, I finally had real food Saturday night.

I did take a brisk walk with the hubs and Toby down to my super close and convenient knitting store so I could pick up 2 more balls of yarn to finish off my project.  I think the walk ended up being just shy of a mile, so at least I kinda enjoyed the weather (and I know Toby loved the jaunt!)

11.23.14 //  Ran 1.82 miles.  

I still wanted to take it easy today, but was feeling MUCH better.  I had a list of things to do (see: laundry, clean house for dog sitter, etc) but was getting antsy.  I decided that amongst my productivity, I would go out for a run.  The temps dropped significantly going into Sunday (which was great because the Mountains got a ton of snow and that's where we're going for Thanksgiving) but it meant running in 30 degree weather.  I still do not like running with layers or in the cold, but thought I should do it given I was missing out on my 11 mile haul.

I had hoped to do a 3 mile run BUT I wasn't even though mile 1 and felt a little queasy.  I decided to turn back around earlier than planned to head back towards home, just in case.  I normally hate completing odd mileage with a run, but in this case i just finished when I got back to our doorstep.

I ran/walked my first mile in 11:16.  Not my best by any means, but considering I hadn't worked out since the Pumpkin Pie 5k, had been sick, I was ok with it.  There is always next time!

How do you get out of a workout rut?

Saturday, November 22, 2014

Pumpkin Pie 5k Recap!

It's hard to believe it's been a week since the Pumpkin Pie 5k!

Luckily the weather has warmed up a bit here in Colorado, but I will always have the cold, cold memories of running in 14 degree weather with my hubby on that fateful day!

The night before was all about preparing for the weather, and I wanted to make sure I was properly equipped.  Here is what I prepared:
  • Official Pumpkin Pie 5k shirt
  • Lululemon sports bra
  • UPenn tank tap (had to rep PA, even though no one saw it)
  • Old Navy Active Half Zip Pullover 
  • Lululemon Running Tights
  • Brooks Run Happy shorts
  • Snowboarding socks
  • Mittens
  • Ear warmer headband
  • Mizuno Wave Inspire 10 running sneaks
I figured this would do the trick - but I was also contemplating a Turtle Fur neck warmer (that I have probably had since like elementary school) as well.  While it would've been nice to have pre-race, I'm glad I left that off. 
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Planning things out on Friday night.
The plan was to leave at 8am the next more, with a 9am start time.  As per usual, I took a little longer getting ready, and we were out the door around 8:15am.  It was then that I realized it was snowing.  Per my last check of the weather, the snow was to occur in the afternoon, not early in the morning, so I was shocked...and couldn't believe I was about to run a 5k with my husband.  Did I mention he was wearing shorts?  Um, yes.

We timed things fairly well even with our late start, as there was quite a bit of a walk in the snowy cold to get from the parking area to the starting line in the park.  By the time we made our way there, we only had to wait about 5 or so minutes for the race to start.
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What I'm thinking - "Is this really happening right now!?  Snow, running!?  Oh boy..."

People didn't listen (which I assume is quite common at these events being new to them) in regards to lining up.  They asked the <8 minute mile runners to head to the front and then fan back from there with runners with dogs and/or strollers to be in the back.  We placed ourselves a little ways back from the front - but had a dog right behind us.  We were no where near the back, and the dog was getting a little stir crazy given the confining space.  I am CLEARLY a dog runner, but this woman should've listened to the rules, but I held my tounge.
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Smiles at the start line!
We were finally off...and it was a slow start.  In addition to dogs not being where they should've been, people who were walking were ahead of us - like as in walking and we hadn't even been running for a minute!  It was very annoying trying to get around these folks, because in addition to the fact that it was snowing, the conditions were not ideal.  There were a variety of icy spots on the pavement, and trying to bob and weave around people did not help when people were trying to keep their balance and oh you know, RUN a 5k.

I eventually moved into the grass - which while snow covered and not even, was a little bit more stable than the untreated surfaces of the pavement, and helped me get around people.  While the hubs and I planned to run this race together, I knew given his height he could find me far more easily than I could him, and took off a bit ahead of him because the barely running pace was annoying me.

As I ran, I could HEAR people fall behind me - and then those around them/behind them react to the fall.  It made me nervous and after talking to the hubby he said he witness quite a few nasty falls (that I was presumably just hearing).  Lucky for us, we never fell and ran a successful race in that regards.

I realized about 2 minutes in that I had forgotten to turn on MapMyRun - I was clearly caught up in the snow and excitement of the cold! - so I had NO idea where I was mile wise.  I decided to just let it go and 'run the race' but I also assumed they would have mile markers.   Well, I only saw a mile marker for mile 2 on the whole course.  That was frustrating, because I am definitely someone who likes to know where I am at, and since I didn't have the reliance of MapMyRun, I just had to guestimate.  Meh.  There were 2 DJs on the course providing music and words of encouragement (aka runners be careful of the ice!), but besides that it was a run through a park with snow.  Though they did have (free!) race photographers along the course as well.

I'm going to assume that I ran the whole first mile and then some, before starting up on my interval running.  There was no rhyme or reason to it really since I had no way to know where I was in my mileage to try and pace myself.  By this point, the hubs had caught up to me, so we just discussed when we would walk.  

At one point I also got a side stitch, which was annoying but there was such an assortment of runners/walkers/dogs/kids/etc that it really didn't matter.  People just wanted to finish and get their pumpkin pie!

We crossed the finish line together with an official time of 38:57.  Nothing to write home about, but I was happy with it nonetheless given the freezing conditions and not having a proper way to pace myself.
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Wooo Pumpkin Pie 5k medal 2014!

It was time to get our medal (a first for both of us!) and then get in line for our pie.  They did have vendors set up, but we were just focused on getting the pie and getting out of there!  By the time we received our pie and started the trek back to the car, the line was CRAZY long - like basically from the finish line to the table - to get pumpkin pie.  It made me feel like I had finished before the majority of those running, so that was nice.  Though there were still plenty of people on the course, as many chose to walk.
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Waiting in line for our pumpkin pie!  Smiles all around!

There was a 10k starting at 10:30 and we passed many of those runner coming in, but I was glad to be heading out.  By this point my sweat was cold and making me cold and I just wanted to be warm and eat my pumpkin pie (yes I carried it all the way back to the car) in peace.

Overall, it was a fun experience, though the weather definitely added an extra element we did not expect to have when we registered.  I wish there had been better mile signage on the course, and that they had treated the pavement better as the conditions were no ideal even if it hadn't been snowing.
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Finally!  My pie!
 What's your experience running winter races?  Do you plan on doing a Turkey Trot next week? 

I leave you with some of the "official" race photos - I attempted to pose for one with a thumbs up - however they were focused on the hubs, so you can see my thumbs in one of this photos...many of mine were not all that flattering.  haha  I will have to work on this for the Disney Half. ;)

Running in the grass!
Action shot!

Happy to finish with my wonderful husband!

Friday, November 21, 2014

#Furry Friday

Today, I am linking to a hilarious post on BarkPost, entitled  11 Sure-Tail Signs Your Dog Is A Buttface.

While Buttface is not typically a term that I use to refer to Toby, trust me when I say many of the things mentioned in this post refer to some of our daily house banter - especially his love of ripping part his toys, and littering more than 1 room with fluff.

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This is Toby's latest victim - his fluff can currently be found on and around our bed.

 The lil pup featured is a cutie too, and even has his own Instagram account!  Maybe Toby will be that cool some day, but until then, you can find my Instagram account here

Does your doggie like ripping up their toys, or do they just enjoy playing with them "peacefully"?

Monday, November 17, 2014

Week In Review

Ah, got it in on Monday this week (go me!)

So, I think my workouts were a bit lacking overall last week (unfortunately).  

As my previous posts hinted's been cold.  And quite frankly, I understand that is what happens this time of year.  However, we didn't really ease into it here in Colorado, it basically went from super nice sunny weather to super cold single digits and snow over night - literally.

I blame said weather on my lack of wanting to go out in the early AM (aka yoga) or in the evening (aka the gym) - so I did what I could at home, and I hope to be more with it this week as it warms up a bit around here.  Plus, I have a big long run this weekend!

Training Schedule (11.10.14 - 11.16.14)

11.10.14 //  In all honesty, I had signed up for 5:30am hot yoga on this day.  But when my alarm went off, my little cuddle bug Toby had just gotten super cuddly with me, and I couldn't break his heart and get out of bed.  So, I turned off the alarm, canceled my class appointment, and rolled back over.  I knew this was a mistake, because I knew what weather was coming my way, and figured it was not going to be a good week overall.  Quite frankly, I shot myself in my own foot on this one.  haha

11.11.14 //  Given the deep freeze, and snow, that came upon the area, I actually got out of work 2 hours early to get a jump on the roads and traffic.  However, it also did not make me want to leave the house and go to the gym to do my 30 minute Disney run.  I opted to do online work out videos instead.  I couldn't find my Jillian Micheal's 30 day Shred videos - my husband 'found' them for me, and I could no longer find them on the computer - so I instead tried my hand at the 10 minute work out series that I did find on said computer.  I did 10 minutes of core, and then then 10 minute total body work out...which was a total success for me, since I didn't have a stretchy band to use as they were.  I did work up a decent enough sweat, so I was happy for not doing anything, and felt productive given the nasty weather outside.

11.12.14 //  Ok, so as I had already predicted on Monday - there was no way I was going to hot yoga today.  Given the snow fall and chilly conditions, there was no way I was going to make that early morning trek.  I almost opted out of going to work, but decided to just suck it up and make the drive in.  What normally takes me about 25ish minutes took almost an hour and fifteen minutes - but I blame this more so on the fact that at a major intersection the lights were out and it was a true free-for-all in regards to who got to go which way when.  A true hot mess of traffic, with no cops.  Insanity. 

11.13.14 //  Yet another cold day in paradise, and I did not feel like walking over to the gym for my 30 minute Disney run.  My husband was doing work on his computer, and I couldn't get the Apple TV working, so I just did a Pintrest workout that I had screen capped on my iPad.  It REALLY worked my upper body - planks and pushups! - and I felt that on Friday.  The 1 minute wall sit also wasn't my friend.  But again, I felt happy to have done SOMETHING over nothing.

11.14.14 //  Rest Day!  Yay! haha My husband and I went to pick up our bibs for our Pumpkin Pie 5k after work, and I found the cutest running shorts on a (major!) sale at the store where they were hosting the pick up.  We also went to Panera Bread for dinner - and I got way too excited over their fall menu.  I LOVE their squash soup, so I was over the moon to have that back in my life again!  I could eat that every day.
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Brooks Run Happy shorts - adorable and motivating!

11.15.14 //  Pumpkin Pie 5k day!  I will do a full recap of the event this week, but lets just say that it was 14 degrees and snowing for the race.  Not what I had signed up for, but it made it all that more of an experience.  The course was slick, and I kept hearing people fall behind me, but I was just that much more diligent when running.  It was fun to do the event with my husband - who had gone into training mode after I ran my first 10k last month.  I'm thankful we did the 5k vs the 10k given the conditions and my distaste for cold weather. ;)  I got my first ever running finisher's medal, and of course, my slice of pumpkin pie at the conclusion of events!

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Woo a medal!

I completely forgot to turn on MapMyRun given the 'excitement' of the snow and weather so I don't have my split time, but we finished the race in 38:57 - hand in hand through the finish line.  Nothing to really write home about, but given the conditions, I was happy with it!  My mileage for my Disney training was 3 miles, so this race was right on par for what I needed for the weekend.  

11.16.14 //  Rest Day.  The light snow that fell during the race turned into something far more considerable into Saturday night, so Sunday was a great day to lounge around and watch football with the hubs.  I'm also working on something (see: knitting) very special for my niece for Christmas, and it was a good day to work on that as well.  

Hopefully this week I can get back into the swing of things...I have 11 miles to run this weekend, and it doesn't look like I'm going to have much warmer conditions (false - it will hopefully be in the 40s. lol) so I need to get over this issue of not wanting to work out in the cold.  

How do you motivate yourself with the winter weather?

Friday, November 14, 2014

#Furry Friday

I certainly hope this weather can rebound a little more in the next few days.  While I am happy that we are back into double digits (YES!) it's still colder than my liking.

My poor little Toby isn't a huge fan of the cold either.  While he does enjoy a good frolic in the snow, his poor little pads get getting cold quite quick once outside - no one needs those additional struggles when trying to go to the bathroom!

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Do I have to go out Mom? (this is an older pic, but he's just so gosh darn cute!)

For today's Furry Feature - it comes again from Bark Post - is regarding Small Dog Parent's and the frequent comments that are made.  Toby is about 20lbs, and most people consider him small (our landlords think he's big.  Crazy, I know).  I have certainly heard some of these things before - and can't help but roll my eyes.  The GIFs are great though.

I hope wherever you are you're surviving the weather - I know the Northeast, my old stomping ground, got snow yesterday...but they didn't have our single digit temps! =P  For those running in the Avengers Half and other races this weekend in Disneyland, I wish you the best of luck!  I'm sure this new race will be a ton of fun for all those involved.   

For me, I will (at least as of now) still planning on facing the elements with my hubby as we run tomorrow in some chilly teen/mid 20 temps for the Pumpkin Pie 5k!  This will be a good test of running in the COLD moving forward as I get into the climax of my running training.  11 miles next weekend - I am praying for a warm up!

Happy Friday!

Thursday, November 13, 2014

D is for Disney...duh!

It is crazy how sporadically things can happen. 

One day you think you’re going to Disney in t minus 54 days to run your first ever half marathon.  Then, you suddenly find out that you’re actually going to go to Disney in t minus 28 days!  Whaaaat!?

My husband has a crazy, but lovable, group of friends that have now (obviously) become my friends.  And, with that, comes some crazy ideas – one being to have a whirlwind trip down to Disney and drink our way around Epcot.  And by whirlwind, I mean flying out Friday night, touring Epcot Saturday, and flying home Sunday morning.

I was beyond excited when my hubs was down for the trip.  This is truly going to be an awesome awesome trip, with some awesome awesome people!  We attempted to ‘drink around the world’ when we went to Disney last May – my husband’s first ever time at Disney! – but failed.  It wasn’t that we didn’t try, we definitely had a few drinks and some various food items, but I don’t think our hearts were in it.  We still had a magical time though. 

The group is currently brainstorming some t-shirt ideas, which I am super excited about.  The below graphic will probably make an appearance.  I understand that it doesn’t make sense to anyone who isn’t aware of another crazy idea that this same group of friends has going on (the Game of Life, obviously!) but given this was really the inspiration for the random trip to Epcot, it is only fitting our mascot be a part of our journey as well…it was my suggestion to add the Mickey ears. #lifepoints

Drinking Around the World - December 13, 2014

I feel like I have so many countdowns going on right now between the holidays and my half (which is also a Disney countdown) but I am quite ecstatic to add this to the list!  Also, given the freezing cold temps here in Denver this week, the idea of heading down to sunny WARM Florida makes me happy as well. Ticker
Free Disney Tickers