Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Wordless Wednesday

A look into young Amanda and fam in Epcot circa May 1992. 

Please try not to be jealous of my glasses, let alone my (or my Dad's) sweet neon fanny pack (which I LOVED!)

Let's just say I have been having fun watching old family home videos...and have some fun screen caps. ;)

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Officially Going DOPEY

Dopey 2016!
Holy cow peeps - this is happening!

The hubs and I will be making the trip to the World in January to go for Dopey - it will be my husband first half and full, and my first full.  


...Props to runDisney, registering was much smoother than Dumbo registration in February, many thanks for that!  As of this being posted, this is where things stand:

~12:00pm MTN time - day of opening.

I am really excited for this and have been mentally preparing myself for this since running the WDW half in January!  I'm thrilled to be a part of this and glad to be sharing the experience with my husband. =)
Any tips for the coming months as I embark on this crazy journey for Dopey? =)