Monday, February 2, 2015

Week in Review

I am trying really hard to stick with my Week in Review posts on Monday to really hold myself accountable. (Maybe I should hold myself more accountable for my runDisney review, eh? haha  That is coming!)

Given I have big aspirations for 2015...and possibly even bigger ones for 2016...Even though I don't have anything formal yet on my running docket, I have got to keep up with my training, enough slacking! 

Training Schedule (1.26.15 - 2.1.15) 
1.26.15 //  I decided to kick it back to my girl, Jillian Michaels, and her 30 day Shred video, level 1.  I really like her videos and the fact that I don't have to leave the house, plus I work up a decent sweat in half an hour, so it's a win win!

1.27.15 // I had a lengthy chat with my runDisney BFF about upcoming plans - let's just say the Coast to Coast medal should hopefully be happening in 2015! 

1.28.15 // I ended up staying late at work, and thusly it ate into my workout time.  I didn't get home until almost 7pm, so I really didn't feel like popping on Jillian.
1.29.15 //  No workout.  I had better things to do!  Namely, seeing a sneak peek of the new Backstreet Boys doc, Show 'Em What You're Made Of!  I have been anxiously awaiting this, and was excited that there happened to be a screening happening close to where we live in the good ole burbs of Denver.  I have been a Backstreet Boys fan since 1997 and this film was like living the back in the glory days of boybandery.  I hope to do a formal write up about it - but I STRONGLY suggest you check it out - now available on iTunes! - as it is a REAL look behind the scenes of their last album, and a look back at the highs, and lows, of their fame.

1.30.15 //Went to the gym after work with the hubby.  I really didn't feel like it, but I made the commitment to him earlier in the day that I would go with him, and didn't want to let him down since he could've gone before I got home from work.  I ended up doing 20 minutes on the treadmill, and did a 1% incline.  I figure it's time to up the anty a bit, plus I read this was something good to do as it more so mimicked running outside - you mean the world isn't flat!?  I didn't really push myself, as I'm getting back in the swing of things.  Then I did about 10 minutes of arm workouts on the weight machine, and while the hubs was using it, I use free weights to continue to work my flabby arms! haha  Glad I went. =)

1.31.15 // A nice doggie stroll and play session with the hubs and Toby.  We knew that snow was a possibility, so we had an early morning jaunt over to the high school field to run around and let Toby get out his energy.  I hope to do this more as the weather improves (back into the 60s this week, woo Colorado!) as its being active without running, but still getting our 'steps' in...since we are all about hitting those step marks these days!

2.1.15 // 30 Day Shred - Jillian Michaels, Level 1.  I really do enjoy this.  It's quick and easy and figured I'd squeeze it in since it was snowy out and I was already gross from cleaning (does anyone else sweat from vacuuming!?)

Let's hope the streak continues this week! =D

Do you have a favorite workout video? 

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