My cuddle muffin and his new favorite toy. <3 <3 <3
Friday, May 29, 2015
Tuesday, May 26, 2015
Dumbo Double Dare Training - Week 2 & Week 3
I got a little behind given my trip to Playa Mujeres last week...vacation is a glorious thing. And this was a glorious, relaxing trip. But, I can't forget about running!
Week 2 DDD training
Monday I had a full day of work capped with an evening Sumits Yoga class. This class was taught by a new teacher (it was only her 2nd class!) and she was fantastic! I say this as they have a handful of new teachers who just completed training - and for her 2nd ever class she was pretty on point! I'm going to look forward to my Monday night classes with her once we return from our trip.
Tuesday was my DDD training. Seeing as how I missed these last week it was good to get back on track. The program calls for 30-45 minute runs on Tuesday and Thursday. Given its more a time commitment then distance, I "like" doing them on a treadmill. I say like because well...I far prefer running outside, but it gets the job done as allows me to play with intervals.
So far, I'm seeing how I feel on the day to dictate how long to go for given the time range. Today I went for...well I just kinda went for it lol. I kept expanding my goal as it went along so I ultimately did 3.1 miles in 42 minutes. This is slow for me, which is a downfall of the dredmill...I just can't seem to keep my outdoor speed up on it. I'm hoping as I continue to play with the intervals I can speed up even just a tad...and hopefully just get my endurance up overall.
Wednesday was suppose to be a hot yoga evening, but I ended up canceling as I had a rough day at work and left with a killer headache. We ended up hitting Panera for dinner and stopping at Target for last minute supplies for the trip...which I wouldn't of had time for had I gone to yoga. So, it worked out.
Thursday I was back to the treadmill for DDD running. Since I was fairly spent from my work week (hell we had champaign to celebrate AT work!) I figured I'd only do 30 minutes, but try to push myself. I ended up running 2 miles in 27 minutes and ultimate 2.2 miles in 30 minutes. I'm trying to stick with a 4.5 speed, with some punches up to 5mph and an occasional slow down to 3.5mph. Hopefully this will all increase in the coming weeks, but I think I'm doing better now than last fall in training for the WDW Half.
Friday, I rested. :)
Saturday I had to get organized and packed for Mexico. I also had a 4 mile run on the calender for DDD training. So I had to get it in! Before heading out for a relaxing mani/pedi I hit the road for my miles. It went well, I averaged a 12:20 mile and completed my first mile in just under 10 minutes (9:57). With that I was showered and was on my way to running around finishing my errands.
Sunday, travel day!
Week 3 DDD Training
Obviously this was vacay week, but we packed our sneaks and had exercising intentions.
Monday, our first full day, was beach and spa day. Relaxation baby!
Tuesday, I wanted to get in my DDD training. After speaking to a few employees we found if we went out to the front we could head out on the road for a variety of low mileage runs. We opted to just do a mile out and back...I should note we ran around 11:30am. We enjoyed our lazy mornings in bed. So, not only were we dealing with high sun and 85ish degree weather but there was humidity. It was hot. It was like running in hot yoga class. While a tad struggle (including eating a bug that I hacked up) I averaged an 11:36 I shaved almost a minute off from my 4 mile run. The amazingness that is running at sea level even in not the best conditions.
Wednesday was a pool day. They had Princesses come to the pool, aka knockoff Jasmine, Ariel & Cinderella, lol it was cool and I had to get a pic. We were planning to do a bike ride around the property, but didn't end up making it. Relaxation. Haha
Thursday I didn't get my DDD run in since we went to Chitchen Itza aka Mayan ruins. It was an incredible experience (we also got to swim in a sinkhole!) but was literally a 7am to 8pm trip. Long day, but well worth it!
Friday was another pool day. It was our last full day and we had to make the most of it!
Saturday morning was spent at the beach since checkout wasn't until noon. Again we made the most of it! was off to the airport. :( But, I got home to my Toby. :)
Sunday I wanted to get in my DDD 5 mile run, but I didn't make it. My brain was partially still on vacay mode and half on get reorganized mode and the weather is still not the best here so unfortunately I didn't make it out.
With our anniversary vacation trip out of the way, my next trip is to Disneyland for Dumbo i have no reason to not really focus with these runs and get back on track!
Do you workout when you go on vacation?
Friday, May 22, 2015
Furry Friday
Sending you all my love from Mexico! This week has seriously been so nice and relaxing...but I couldn't forget your Furry (Funny!) Friday.
This video alone is reason for why I need to add another furry friend to our family...I'm sure Toby would be quick to blame #2 for any wrong doings (but Toby would never poop in the kitchen ANYWAY...thank goodness for being potty trained! lol)
Who Pooped in the Kitchen?
Have a fantastic Memorial Day Weekend! While this trip has been fantastic, I'm looking forward to heading home to my Toby.
Do you have any holiday plans?
This video alone is reason for why I need to add another furry friend to our family...I'm sure Toby would be quick to blame #2 for any wrong doings (but Toby would never poop in the kitchen ANYWAY...thank goodness for being potty trained! lol)
Who Pooped in the Kitchen?
Have a fantastic Memorial Day Weekend! While this trip has been fantastic, I'm looking forward to heading home to my Toby.
Do you have any holiday plans?
Friday, May 15, 2015
Wednesday, May 13, 2015
Wordless Wednesday
A pic from our honeymoon last April...postcard perfect and looking forward to the sun and sand again next week!!
Tuesday, May 12, 2015
Race for Open Space 10k Reivew
Last weekend, I ran my 2nd even formal 10k - the Race for Open Space trail 10k. My husband also decided to run this one, his first!, and I was excited to have another fun running experience together. We were both interested to see just how much of a 'trail' path this was going to be. Luckily, it was a good mix of a variety of terrains - including sidewalk! haha - so it worked well.
The Race also had a 5k and a Half race. The Half started at 7:30am that morning, while the 5k and 10k started together at 8am. We got there just before 7:30am as we still needed to get our bibs (it was my first time not picking up my bib in advanced, but luckily it wasn't as stressful as I thought) and saw the start of the Half. It was a great morning for a race, as it was a little cool, but with the sun coming up the high was due in the 70s. I went back and forth about wearing long sleeves, but am happy I kept it to my tank.
After we got our bibs and goodie back we walked back to our car to put our goodies away and attach our bibs. We got to the starting line about 10 minutes before the start time, and just mingled until the announcer started making some comments. Apparently last year it snowed for the race (oh Colorado) so they were pleased it didn't scare people from coming back this year. We were off pretty much on time and away we went!
The hubs and I were running our own races, so while we were together for a few minutes I eventually fell behind him and could see him for quite awhile as I went at my own pace. The trails weren't overly crowded, and for the most part it was a very serene and pretty run.
They had the 10kers run out farther, so shortly after mile 1 we split up from the 5kers. We ultimately had a turn around at 2.5 miles and then went back on the 5k trail to head to the finish. For the first 3/3.5 miles I stayed pretty much with the same crew of people while I was run/walking others were either keeping a steady slow pace or were in the same boat as me. At the turn around I did pass the hubs and we gave a wave to each other haha it was cute. I should also note they had quite a few water/Gatorade stops at the first few mile markers (1 which was used both ways).
Once I kinda fell behind the crew I was with I started really running my own race as the runners were really spread out at this point. It was a majorly large race (compared to the last 10k I ran) so it was a smaller pool of people, and obviously the 5kers were already quite head of me. If it weren't for my Garmin, I would've missed some of the mile markers as they um weren't there. lol I was also now getting PASSED by half marathoners who were already on their way back to the finish line as well - yikes! Well, good for them, not so great for my slow ass. ;)
There was quite a large hill to climb back up from (which was all downhill on mile 1) and I walked quite a bit up that, just because. At the top of that though, I HAD to stop to snap a pic of the prairie dogs! I couldn't believe it! So that slowed me down too. ;)
I was kind of confused about where the actual finish was - I ran back past where we started and we were continue back down that road, and eventually veered back off that road, but I was so disoriented in terms of where I thought we were going to finish. This cause me to have a rough last mileish, because I hate not knowing where I'm going. The last half mile was quite quaint though, as it was along water and shaded and if I wasn't so focused to finish I would've snapped some pics.
When I finally crossed that finish line, I didn't have the time I wanted but I did end up PRing with an official time of 1:16:35.
Considering my lack of training going into this, the fact that I beat my time from last Fall (even if just by a smidge) was great. It's not the 10 minute mile I was hoping for (ha!) but considering my impromptu walk/run intervals, I remained pretty consistent.
The hubs crushed it with an official time of 1:07:58! I couldn't be prouder! Hopefully I can get there lungs just really struggle here. I'm hoping to run a sea level 10k at some point for my Dopey Challenge corral placement to give me some time of a leg up.
Overall, I would definitely run this race again. This run is actually part of a race series, which I may consider doing next year. The hubs, however, has decided he will now only run races were he gets a finisher medal (who is he!? lol) as for this race you only received a medal if you ran the Half or placed in your age I don't know if he'll do it again except for the half. haha
What are your thoughts on finisher medals?
Monday, May 11, 2015
Dumbo Double Dare Training -Week 1
Well, runDisney finally posted the Dumbo Double Dare Challenge training schedule on Tuesday - which also happened to be the first day OF training. So gee, thanks for that...
RunDisney seems to be behind on things...not only were the training plans late (in my opinion - as an example, the WDW Half plan was posted the day we signed up last year. Considering I registered for this in February, I'd say this was LATE.)
Another instance of this...I was SO EXCITED for the Tinkerbell Half Weekend, for the main purpose of our Disneyland Half Marathon Weekend medals being shown. Again, as past history would show, medals have typically been released at the race prior's expo. Guess what - NO MEDALS. I was all over social media waiting to see someone post them, and was incredible disappointed. Based on the training plans, people think the weekend theme will be Snow White, which makes sense, but come on runDisney...the suspense is killing me!!
ANYHOW - thus began week 1 of DDD training. Given the last minuteness of things, along with a crazy work week, I did not do as well as I would've hoped for my first week...but I have many more weeks to improve on this.
I put in some longer hours at work this week (woo OT!) due to us administering finals. Knowing this, I did double up on hot yoga last weekend going both Saturday and Sunday since I knew I wasn't going to make it Monday evening as I have been doing. The good thing about work right now though, is I'm definitely getting up and moving so much more running around to start various finals, so at least I have that in my favor.
When the training plan came out on Tuesday, I was already leaving work later than expected and it didn't come out until later afternoon anyway, so I was so not prepared to be running that evening. Instead, I chatted with my running BFF about the program finally being out and the journey we were about to go on again!
Wednesday I did manage to make it to evening Hot Yoga - while I was fairly wiped from work, I knew I needed to go and get it done, and since it was only an hour class, I knew it was doable.
Thursday. Oh Thursday. Thursday we had a gun threat on campus. That was an experience. It was also reported in a building quite close to ours. Long story short, nothing was found but it did cause us not only to go on a lock down for over an hour, but we also had to stop students in the middle of their finals and they had to deal with that while in the middle of an important exam. As if law school wasn't stressful enough. haha Again, we were glad it was nothing - it's rumored to perhaps have been a case of 'swatting' - but it was just the biggest hassle for us and the students to then have to go get them all reset and going with their exams. I was at work late unexpected because of this, and did not get my DDD run in.
Weather is such a factor for me. In a very unColorado like way, it was raining and miserable all week. While I knew I had a 3 mile run on the calendar for the weekend, the weather made me want to just have couch cuddles. And ultimately that's how things turn out.
We also got about 7ish inches of snow Saturday night into Sunday night - um hello May!? - so that was just like ugh. Ultimately, I ran just under 3 miles on Sunday, 2.71 to be exact, due to the puddles and unmelted snow I encountered when I finally went out Sunday afternoon.
Here's hoping Week 2 will go better - luckily we have sun in the forecast all week (yay!) and finals are over on Wednesday, so my day flow will slow down quite a bit at work. We also leave for our belated Anniversary trip next Sunday, and with some much need R&R on the horizon, I cannot be more excited! We're both excited to train on the beach though, so that will be a part of the vacay plan!
Are you currently training for any races?
RunDisney seems to be behind on things...not only were the training plans late (in my opinion - as an example, the WDW Half plan was posted the day we signed up last year. Considering I registered for this in February, I'd say this was LATE.)
Another instance of this...I was SO EXCITED for the Tinkerbell Half Weekend, for the main purpose of our Disneyland Half Marathon Weekend medals being shown. Again, as past history would show, medals have typically been released at the race prior's expo. Guess what - NO MEDALS. I was all over social media waiting to see someone post them, and was incredible disappointed. Based on the training plans, people think the weekend theme will be Snow White, which makes sense, but come on runDisney...the suspense is killing me!!
ANYHOW - thus began week 1 of DDD training. Given the last minuteness of things, along with a crazy work week, I did not do as well as I would've hoped for my first week...but I have many more weeks to improve on this.
I put in some longer hours at work this week (woo OT!) due to us administering finals. Knowing this, I did double up on hot yoga last weekend going both Saturday and Sunday since I knew I wasn't going to make it Monday evening as I have been doing. The good thing about work right now though, is I'm definitely getting up and moving so much more running around to start various finals, so at least I have that in my favor.
When the training plan came out on Tuesday, I was already leaving work later than expected and it didn't come out until later afternoon anyway, so I was so not prepared to be running that evening. Instead, I chatted with my running BFF about the program finally being out and the journey we were about to go on again!
Wednesday I did manage to make it to evening Hot Yoga - while I was fairly wiped from work, I knew I needed to go and get it done, and since it was only an hour class, I knew it was doable.
Thursday. Oh Thursday. Thursday we had a gun threat on campus. That was an experience. It was also reported in a building quite close to ours. Long story short, nothing was found but it did cause us not only to go on a lock down for over an hour, but we also had to stop students in the middle of their finals and they had to deal with that while in the middle of an important exam. As if law school wasn't stressful enough. haha Again, we were glad it was nothing - it's rumored to perhaps have been a case of 'swatting' - but it was just the biggest hassle for us and the students to then have to go get them all reset and going with their exams. I was at work late unexpected because of this, and did not get my DDD run in.
Weather is such a factor for me. In a very unColorado like way, it was raining and miserable all week. While I knew I had a 3 mile run on the calendar for the weekend, the weather made me want to just have couch cuddles. And ultimately that's how things turn out.
We also got about 7ish inches of snow Saturday night into Sunday night - um hello May!? - so that was just like ugh. Ultimately, I ran just under 3 miles on Sunday, 2.71 to be exact, due to the puddles and unmelted snow I encountered when I finally went out Sunday afternoon.
Here's hoping Week 2 will go better - luckily we have sun in the forecast all week (yay!) and finals are over on Wednesday, so my day flow will slow down quite a bit at work. We also leave for our belated Anniversary trip next Sunday, and with some much need R&R on the horizon, I cannot be more excited! We're both excited to train on the beach though, so that will be a part of the vacay plan!
Are you currently training for any races?
Friday, May 8, 2015
Furry Friday
Happy Friday!! After a crazy day at work yesterday (we were on a university wide lockdown due to an unfounded alleged shooter) and a long week in general I am so ready for the weekend!
Dumbo Double Dare training has begun and I'm starting to prep for Dopey as well as I figure out a plan!
After work the hubs and I will be seeing the new Avengers movie for a fun date's hoping I don't fall asleep mid movie. ;)
What are you weekend plans?
Wednesday, May 6, 2015
Wordless Wednesday
Snapped this after hot yoga tonight. It has been a rainy, gloomy week in Denver...very unDenver (aka sun everyday!) and kinda sums up my week thus far due to craziness at work. Right after I snapped this and the light turned green, I saw a rainbow. :)
Monday, May 4, 2015
Week In Review
So, this has been gone for a few weeks. A big part of that, was I got sick and for a solid week was truly out of commission in terms of working out. I missed 2 days of work (which should of been 3...I was told to go home after an epic coughing attack), and a whole week of hot yoga (after I just freakin' resigned my membership!) The days at the end of a cold are almost worse than when you're in the thick of it. You don't feel like total crap BUT you're still not 100% and the constant snot running from your nose can take quite a toll on you.
My best friend and running BFF surprised me for my birthday, and wanted to experience running at an elevation, so I decided to give running a try. It wasn't pretty, but we made it happen - and she got to experience Colorado running. Since then, I've eased back into hot yoga, and running as best I can.
I'm happy to report that I'm feeling like myself again, and trying to get back in the groove. With the Dumbo Double Dare Challenge coming up in September, and Dopey coming my way in January, I have got to get these feet moving!
Training Schedule (4.27.15 - 5.3.15)
4.27.15// I went to after work hot yoga. I tried this the week prior to getting sick, and actually quite enjoyed it. It helps that I don't eat a ton during the day (one reason I prefer the morning classes...) and it feels good to have that release after a day of work.
4.28.15 // Rest day.
4.29.15 // After work hot yoga. In all honesty, I had signed up for the 5:30am class, and when my alarm went off at 5, I just couldn't do it. haha Therefore, I promised myself to commit to the evening class...and I followed through! I also helped put on an event for all the Staff for lunch, and had a really fun times decorating and giving out prizes. Woo for spreading cheer!
4.30.15 // Rest day. It was actually a crazy day of running around at work. My office administers finals, and this was the first day of finals. This semester I'm helping my boss start all of the classroom exams, and between just walking/running around classrooms and using the stairs as much as possible - my Fit Bit was happy! haha
5.1.15 // Rest day aka FRIIIIDAY! It was actually a quiet day in office since there were no day finals, but I was still on my feet quite a bit getting things prepped for this week.
5.2.15 // 1 hour 20 minute hot yoga class. It was quite comical when I arrived because my 5:30am teacher teaches the 8am on the weekends and was leaving as I was showing up for the 10am class - she wanted to know where I had been and why I wasn't at the 8am class. Whoopsie! She requested my presences at the 8am class on Sunday, but unfortunately I told her I couldn't since I was running at 10k. The other comical part came when the fire alarm went off during the last 10 minutes or so of class. While there was no fire (since they're in a strip mall type situation, I can only assume all of the stores get alerted as a precaution) my instructor joked the worst that could happen is 12 hot firemen would show up. When leaving class there actually WERE hot firemen there (out side on the sidewalk) so it all worked out. ;)
5.3.15 // Ran a 10k with the hubs for the Race for Open Space trail run!

I liked the cause of the race (saving land!) and we got to run through a really pretty area in which we were helping to preserve. It was also perfect running weather, and I hope this means the cold is behind us! I'll have more deets about this later this week, but for my husband's first 10k, he did amaaazing! =D So proud. I also technically PRed on my 10k time - this is only ever my 2nd 10k haha - so while it's not where I wanted to be given the recent set back of lack of training from being sick, I will still take it. haha
Since I was already sweaty and gross, I said 'why not' and went to noon hot yoga. It was only an hour class, and since I know I won't get there today due to a crazy day of finals, it all worked out. I have to say I was a bit of a hot mess at the beginning of class for a variety of reasons, I was glad I went.
How is the weather in your part of the woods? We had a really nice weekend here, but have a chance of rain/storms for the rest of the week. Summer is almost here!
My best friend and running BFF surprised me for my birthday, and wanted to experience running at an elevation, so I decided to give running a try. It wasn't pretty, but we made it happen - and she got to experience Colorado running. Since then, I've eased back into hot yoga, and running as best I can.
I'm happy to report that I'm feeling like myself again, and trying to get back in the groove. With the Dumbo Double Dare Challenge coming up in September, and Dopey coming my way in January, I have got to get these feet moving!
Training Schedule (4.27.15 - 5.3.15)
4.27.15// I went to after work hot yoga. I tried this the week prior to getting sick, and actually quite enjoyed it. It helps that I don't eat a ton during the day (one reason I prefer the morning classes...) and it feels good to have that release after a day of work.
4.28.15 // Rest day.
4.29.15 // After work hot yoga. In all honesty, I had signed up for the 5:30am class, and when my alarm went off at 5, I just couldn't do it. haha Therefore, I promised myself to commit to the evening class...and I followed through! I also helped put on an event for all the Staff for lunch, and had a really fun times decorating and giving out prizes. Woo for spreading cheer!
4.30.15 // Rest day. It was actually a crazy day of running around at work. My office administers finals, and this was the first day of finals. This semester I'm helping my boss start all of the classroom exams, and between just walking/running around classrooms and using the stairs as much as possible - my Fit Bit was happy! haha
5.1.15 // Rest day aka FRIIIIDAY! It was actually a quiet day in office since there were no day finals, but I was still on my feet quite a bit getting things prepped for this week.
5.2.15 // 1 hour 20 minute hot yoga class. It was quite comical when I arrived because my 5:30am teacher teaches the 8am on the weekends and was leaving as I was showing up for the 10am class - she wanted to know where I had been and why I wasn't at the 8am class. Whoopsie! She requested my presences at the 8am class on Sunday, but unfortunately I told her I couldn't since I was running at 10k. The other comical part came when the fire alarm went off during the last 10 minutes or so of class. While there was no fire (since they're in a strip mall type situation, I can only assume all of the stores get alerted as a precaution) my instructor joked the worst that could happen is 12 hot firemen would show up. When leaving class there actually WERE hot firemen there (out side on the sidewalk) so it all worked out. ;)
5.3.15 // Ran a 10k with the hubs for the Race for Open Space trail run!

I liked the cause of the race (saving land!) and we got to run through a really pretty area in which we were helping to preserve. It was also perfect running weather, and I hope this means the cold is behind us! I'll have more deets about this later this week, but for my husband's first 10k, he did amaaazing! =D So proud. I also technically PRed on my 10k time - this is only ever my 2nd 10k haha - so while it's not where I wanted to be given the recent set back of lack of training from being sick, I will still take it. haha
Since I was already sweaty and gross, I said 'why not' and went to noon hot yoga. It was only an hour class, and since I know I won't get there today due to a crazy day of finals, it all worked out. I have to say I was a bit of a hot mess at the beginning of class for a variety of reasons, I was glad I went.
How is the weather in your part of the woods? We had a really nice weekend here, but have a chance of rain/storms for the rest of the week. Summer is almost here!
Friday, May 1, 2015
Furry Friday
In honor of my 30th Birthday last week...and my recent binge of old family home is a screen cap from my 7th Birthday. It was a sleepover with all of the girls in my class (bless my parents) and 101 Dalmation themed (I had gotten the VHS for Easter the week before haha) because of my obvious love of dogs and Disney. ;)
Forgive the grainyness...though I have to say the fact that we had a high end Sony camcorder in 1992 and you can now shoot insanely good quality on your cell phone that blows this out of that water is so intriguing to me.
Did you ever have a Disney themed birthday?
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