Monday, July 6, 2015

Dumbo Double Dare Training Week 9 & Dopey Challange Training Week 1

Week 1 of Dopey training is in the books, and I'm well on my way for the Dumbo Double Dare Challenge!
The Real Deal.
Monday started off strong with a lovely evening of hot yoga.  It feels good to get back in the studio and sweat it out.  It was a quick turn around between getting home from work (late), changed and then off to 6pm class - but it was worth it.

Nothing like a bottle of water to hydrate after class (while pumping gas)!
There are 2 great things to enjoy after class...water and a shower! ;)

Tuesday, was a great 3.1 mile run in the evening.  The hope was to try and get it in before work, but ultimately we decided to sleep.  This made for a hot evening run, but I got it done.

Thursday, we actually DID get up early before work to get our run in.  I was almost turned off to the idea upon waking up and finding RAIN, but the hubs kept me to it.  While it was unexpected and unwanted, it only ended up lasting a few minutes into the 3 mile I stuck with it.  

A gloomy, cool summer morning run...
I am not a big fan of track running, but the hubby likes it for his knees.  I don't know if we will make this our go to morning running spot, but it's just boring.  It is helpful for pacing, and walking breaks, but haha  I did see lots of bunnies, including this guy who actually crossed my path.

Saturday, I had to decide what I wanted to do for my long run.  Dopey called for 3 miles and DDD called for 4.  Ultimately, I went for the 4.  I will probably stick with the longer mileages over the next 2 months as the plans overlap - luckily they're fairly similar.  It was HOT though, basically 90.  We ended up running around mid-day on our favorite trail, and we did not prep properly, so the heat definitely worse that it could've been due to our lack of liquids.  Nothing like learning the hard  Luckily, some water was waiting for us back in the car, and a ice cold Gatorade was waiting for me once we got back home.

All and all it, was a great 4th weekend of relaxing to cap off a great week of running.  We went out Friday night and saw some lovely fireworks (I LOVE fireworks!) and then spent Saturday afternoon relaxing after our run and staying cool from the heat with Toby.

Sparks Fly
How was your 4th?  Did you do any fun 4th of July runs?

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