Monday, February 16, 2015

Week In Review

Training Schedule (2.9.15 - 2.15.15) 
2.9.15 //  Keeping it in stride with 30 Day Shred with Jillian Michaels - Level 3.  I have to say that I think I like this level the most, it certainly is the one that pushes you the most, but not in some crazy way given the build up of levels 1 & 2.  It is a great sweat.

2.10.15// Another evening with Jillian and Level 3 of the 30 Day Shred.

2.11.15// I ended up having to work late due to some crazy news that came out at work, which involved my boss being laid off.  Months of speculation because truth and it was a rough day all around.  Needless to say, I didn't feel like working out by the time I got home.

2.12.15// Today was another rough day at work given the previous day.  My boss was one of a handful of people laid off, and the stress of it still fresh.  I ended up leaving worth with a crazy headache, and feeling nauseous.  So again, no workout for me.

2.13.15//  I had a half day at work today, which was lovely and allowed me to yet again enjoy the nice spring like Colorado weather.  I first ended up taking Toby for a 1.5 mile walk around the neighborhood with the hubs (who took the afternoon off as well) and then we ended up walking to pick up our dinner, and then bring it home to eat, which was another 1.32 miles walked.

2.14.15//  Today was the last of the nice weather (for now) here in Colorado.  I had intended on running my virtual 5k race today, but after a walk and play time with Toby (2.32 miles all together) I just couldn't get myself off the couch.  After a mentally draining week at work, I was spent.  We had already previously decided to have a nice low key Valentine's Day at home, and ended up getting take out from the Mellow Mushroom - their pizza is divine, but high in cals! haha

2.15.15//  After look at the weekly forecast, I KNEW I had to run my Virtual 5k today, or I was going to be stuck either out in the really cold, or on a treadmill - which I did not want!  I had decided last month that I would run some type of race each month - this month I decided to try out a Virtual 5k!

Having never done a virtual race before, I thought this would be a great way to try it out - and get a cute medal to boot!  My first virtual race, and 5k for the month, was going to be the 2015 Puppy Love Run.  I didn't find out about this race until after the first was sold out - um look at that medal! - so I am in round 2.  All this means is my medal won't ship out for another month, but that's ok.
My first virtual race!
How cute is this doggie medal?!  A dog + running = a win for me!  Like I was saying earlier, the weather was about to turn back cold, so I hit the road in 30 degree temps, which is not something I like doing.  However, given the snow in the forecast for next weekend, it was this or even WORSE. Haha  The parameters for the race were to run between 2.14 - 2.22, so today was the day to do it!  

I couldn’t really get into a good groove for this run, but made the best of it.  My first mile was slower than I would’ve wanted, and while I shouldn’t blame the cold weather, I am. =P  I prefer running in the heat any day to this winter weather.

Not the best time, but better than I was expecting.

I ended up finishing up my run/walk in under 40 minutes and just as it was starting to flurry – there was a reason to run!  Needless to say, I was looking forward to the warmth of couch for the rest of a lazy Sunday.  First Virtual 5k complete!  =)  I think I would definitely do this again, but running alone vs running with a crowd is QUITE the different feel (obviously!)

I started tracking my weight – we have the Aria scale, so it links with FitBit – and seeing a decline last week was definitely a motivator to keep up the work.  We – the hubs and I – are really starting to watch what we eat through My Fitness Pal, so hopefully we can both keep up the decline in the lbs!

Looking forward to a better work week, and healthy choices!

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