Friday, January 30, 2015

Furry Friday

It's here, Puppy Bowl XI is here!

...well almost, 2 days away!  Be sure to tune in on Sunday for your fill of puppies and kitties having fun on the field!

Animal Planet lists 57 pups for their starting line can check them out here - but I will spotlight some of my favorite cuties!

Blue Puppy Bowl 11
I LOVE a scruffy dog, and Blue from AHeinz57 Rescue is no exception!

Cara Puppy Bowl 11, puppy bow xi, puppy bowl, starting lineup, lineup, puppy, puppies
Don't let the frills fool you, Cara from Florida Little Dog Rescue wants to win!

Enzo Puppy Bowl 11, puppy bowl xi, puppy bowl, starting lineup, lineup, puppy, puppies
Enzo, from Gateway4Paws, is super cute with his indecisive ears!

Jamison Puppy Bowl 11, puppy bowl xi, puppy bowl, starting lineup, lineup, puppy, puppies
Jamison, representing New Line Animal Rescue, is ready for his touchdown!

Oscar marcus Puppy Bowl 11, puppy bowl xi, puppy bowl, starting lineup, lineup, puppy, puppies
Oscar is representing the scruffy pups from Green Dogs Unleashed!

Papper Puppy Bowl 11, puppy bowl xi, puppy bowl, starting lineup, lineup, puppy, puppies
Sanctuary Rescue so so pleased to have Pepper rocking the field!

Seriously these babies are all so adorable, it was hard to just pick these few! 

You can also check in on all the pups getting ready in the locker room via a live webcam, here.  Unfortunately for me, it always seems to be nap time when I take a peep!

And don't forget half time with Katty Furry!

...and, if you forgot, the Super Bowl will also be happening on Sunday.  Given I'm an Eagles fan, I don't really care who wins...but as I mentioned before I will be watching for the commercials!

Who are you rooting for this weekend?

Wordless Wednesday

There have been so many beautiful sunsets that I've captured recently it was hard to choose!

**this didn't post on Wednesday, so here it is 2 days late!

Monday, January 26, 2015

Week in Review

Ok sooo I need to get back into my weekly roundups of work that the hubs is all about getting fit for himself (hello 2015!) it's a little easier for me. 

Last week I did 2 days of the 10 minute trainer workout program, something that's husband has and wanted to get back into. We ended up doing 2 different videos so it was roughly half an hour each day with the warm up and cool down.

All in all, I think it's a good series and is a quick way to get the job done, so that was a plus. It also reminded me of when I did Jillian Michael's 30 day shred last fall and what a great series THAT is. So, that will probably be coming back into the mix. 

I also retuned, for one night, to the gym to run on my beloved treadmill. :P It was....rough. Haha I just decided to take it easy in walking a quicker pace and running. I did just over 2 miles in about 35 minutes so it was something. 

Now that I'm a Coloradian, it was a warm weekend in the 60s (today was even warmer!  Too bad for working inside...) so I knew I wanted to do something outdoorsy.  My thoughts are with those back on the East Coast though...I'll be missing out on that snow day tomorrow!

Yesterday we took Toby out for a nice stroll and got to get him off leash and play some fetch at the field at the high school by out place. After some running fun, we walked to Petco to try out their self serve bathing station - that was an experience for ALL of us. Haha

Toby was not the biggest fan (I'm use to bathing him inbetween grooming appointments in a jacuzzi tub so this was very new!) but we made the best of it and he was showered in treats once he survived.  We then walked back home, so we had a nice active Sunday morning. 

With the hubs traveling the beginning of this week I plan to stick with it and stay active!

How have your 2015 active plans been going?

Friday, January 23, 2015

Furry Friday

Two weeks until Super Bowl Weekend!

There are 2 things I love about the Super Bowl. 

1. Puppy Bowl!

2. Commercials. 

Who cares about the game when there are puppies and great ads!  While I look forward to seeing the players in this years puppy bowl, they have already started talking commercials...including a sure fire winner from Budwiser!  While I'm not a beer drinker, they know how to use animals in their commercials, and this year should prove to be no different. 

Take a look at our fav horse and fav pup...but the poor pup gets lost!

Say it ain't so!  I bet there will be a happy ending through. 

Do you have a favorite past Super Bowl commercial?

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Friday, January 16, 2015

Furry Friday

It's award season people!  Flying home from Disney Sunday night, I was lucky enough to be flying SouthWest, who just so happens to provide it's flyers FREE TV.  When I tell you that was the best flight I've had in a long time, I MEAN IT.  (I also sat next to a Goofy runner, who knew people I was hanging out with in Disney, as he use to work for Disney himself - it really is a small world out there!)

The flight attended was pleased that I was in his section, and on the aisle, so he could also partake in watching the Golden Globes on my iPad (so much so...he told me I could have whatever I wanted - including alcohol.)  So, I helped myself to a white wine, and enjoyed a quick journey back to Denver while watching a lovely award show, and sharing updates with my new BFF flight attendant.

Tina, Amy, wine and some laughs!
BUT - what if your dog could win an award?  I think Toby would win the Quirky Award, because he has a ton of them!  But also, I think he'd get Best Cuddler, because he is my favorite cuddle buddy.

My cuddle bug on Monday as I recovered from my Disney fun.
Maybe your pooch is even lucky enough to be apart of these Awards, The World Dog Awards, as featured by BarkPost, they would get a pretty cool golden hydrant if they won their category!  

Image via Knox News

While this would look pretty sweet on my mantle, I think I will just enjoy the glow of my Disney Half Marathon from last weekend - it still just makes me smile when I look at it!  It's hard to believe this time last week, I was resting up for the big day! 2015, how are you already flying by already!?

What award would you give your pup top prize for?

Friday, January 9, 2015

Furry Friday

Today's Furry Friday is dedicated to the doggie that sponsored my 5k yesterday, PLUTO!

Running my first RunDisney race yesterday was SO amazing, and I look forward to sharing more with you about once I'm back home.  I love my medal with my favorite Disney dog, and am glad that we decided to add this one on to our RunDisney trip!
Love the Disney race bling! prepare for the HALF tomorrow! Eeeeek!  I'm very excited, and nervous, and every emotion mixed into one right now - I know tomorrow is going to be a blast, and I'm excited to experience it with my best friend as we both run our first half together!

What was your first big running race experience like?

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

This is really happening...!!!

Well ladies and gents, tomorrow morning I leave for the most magical place on Earth to begin my first RunDisney experience!  To reflect over the past 6 months or so, and how I've come to actually kinda like running, running this half marathon is going to be AWESOME!

runDisney Weekend!

While my training has certainly declined over the past month and a halfish (I blame the cold weather, lame excuse, I know, but it is what it is) I'm still confident that I will be able to successfully complete the half on Saturday, and have a beyond amazing experience with my best friend - who's crazy idea this all was!

We plan to hit the Expo tomorrow once we land to ensure that we can get all of the runDisney goodies we desire before they run out ( we've heard).

So many goodies!

Thursday morning we'll be up early to running the 5k!  We're planning to utilize the more relaxed paced atmosphere to this race to really enjoy and take all (if not as many as possible) Character photos.  We know this won't be as feasible during the Half, so this will be a nice time to not feel super time pressure.  We have a cute pair costume that we will be wearing as well! =) 

The excitement of Saturday is SO exciting! haha   

Be sure to follow me on Instagram - BasicSass - for my fun photo updates as we trek around the Parks (even though Jeff Galloway would advise otherwise...)


Have you runDisney, how excited were you for your first race!?