...well almost, 2 days away! Be sure to tune in on Sunday for your fill of puppies and kitties having fun on the field!
Animal Planet lists 57 pups for their starting line up...you can check them out here - but I will spotlight some of my favorite cuties!
I LOVE a scruffy dog, and Blue from AHeinz57 Rescue is no exception! |
Don't let the frills fool you, Cara from Florida Little Dog Rescue wants to win! |
Enzo, from Gateway4Paws, is super cute with his indecisive ears! |
Jamison, representing New Line Animal Rescue, is ready for his touchdown! |
Oscar is representing the scruffy pups from Green Dogs Unleashed! |
Sanctuary Rescue so so pleased to have Pepper rocking the field! |
Seriously these babies are all so adorable, it was hard to just pick these few!
You can also check in on all the pups getting ready in the locker room via a live webcam, here. Unfortunately for me, it always seems to be nap time when I take a peep!
And don't forget half time with Katty Furry!
...and, if you forgot, the Super Bowl will also be happening on Sunday. Given I'm an Eagles fan, I don't really care who wins...but as I mentioned before I will be watching for the commercials!
Who are you rooting for this weekend?